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stop the clutter



"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris


The average American has 300,000 items in their home. American children account for 3.7% of children on the planet yet have 47% of toys and children's books (LA Times). Basement, closets, garage, drawers, shed, porch, attic, nooks and crannies... stuff can be found practically everywhere in a home. Managing all of this stuff saps our time and energy, yet many find it daunting to sort through it all to identify what they can let go of. A professional organizer can help you with this project, to identify your goals for your space and provide clear solutions. Many items can be sold or donated, continuing the life, usefulness, and enjoyment of the objects.


Clear the stuff out of your life that is bogging you down. You don't need to wade through piles of clothes. Pared down kitchen items make it easier to cook and tidy your kitchen. Get rid of expired food and medicine. Toss old toiletries. Only purchase what you need, not what you might have use for. Less stuff means more time to enjoy life! 

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