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The atmosphere of a place truly affects mood and energy.

Do you ever walk into a place and you instantly feel at peace, comfortable, and welcomed? Do some spaces energize and inspire you? Do some spaces refresh and calm you? The ambiance of a space has a great effect on how you feel. Ambiance is created by light, color, decor, space, tidiness, air quality, and scent. What sort of ambiance do you want for your space?


Did you know that scent plays a huge part in our well-being and the ambiance of a space? Essential oils are a wonderful, healthy, natural, and fun way to boost your well-being and create a positive impact on your space. Essential oils can be used to purify the air in a home, using a diffuser or as part of the cleaning routine. Some can be used in cooking. They can be used to repel pests. They can create a cozy, homey atmosphere. Here are a few oils and their wonderful uses:

  • Lavender supports a peaceful, restful environment.

  • Peppermint repels insects.

  • Lemon and Wild Orange purify the air and create an uplifting environment.

  • Cedarwood is a grounding aroma that soothes the mind and body.


For more information, and to order these amazing and powerful gifts of the earth, please refer to my website here.


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