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Areas served: Southern Vermont, Western and Central Massachusetts, Southeastern New Hampshire


Crystal Stillman has loved organizing and designing spaces since she was small when her favorite books to look at her were her mother's interior decoration books and her favorite activity was building complex blanket houses.


A mother of three children, she assumed, without realizing it, the typical consumer clutter mentality when it came to kids' toys, books, furniture, dishes, and other stuff that quickly piled up. Much more stuff was brought into the house than was removed from the house. Too much time and energy was spent managing and dealing with all this stuff. Gradually a paradigm shift came about, bringing with it a sense of peace, calm, and clarity, and additionally more free time and financial savings.


Visitors to her home regularly remark on how comfortable and inviting it is. They comment on how beautiful the interior design is, all created with a tight budget. Crystal ventured into the world of hosting for Airbnb and quickly became a Superhost with an in-demand room for rent.


Crystal has worked in professional office settings as well as being self-employed for decades. She is highly organized and loves problem solving. Everywhere she has worked, employers have appreciated her clearing out clutter and streamlining systems, documents, and websites, making processes easier and faster for all involved. 


Crystal wants to share her gift of creating luminous spaces with others. She works individually with clients to help identify needs, goals, and solutions and then implement them.


For more information, please call 413-992-7384 or email



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